Why is Azure certification important for your career?

Gauurav Soam
4 min readAug 1, 2021

The more you are equipped with the latest technologies in today’s world, the more opportunities you get. If you want to get a flourishing career, adding up a professional certification course to your resume will definitely help. Microsoft Azure is a multifaceted training course that will shape up your career the way you want. It will open many doors for you. Let’s check why you should add up this certification course to your resume.

High salary packages: When you add up this certification course to your resume, you can expect a hike in your salary. If you have generic abilities, then your career will be constrained in a small area. But if you add up this course, you have a proper direction added to your career. Employers always look for such trained employees. Microsoft is a big name in every industry. If you are trained right from their house, it will obviously matter! You can expect a huge hike in your salary.

Flexibility in your career: Do you like traveling, or do you like working from home? This Azure training brings the world to your laptop! You can get a very flexible career. From becoming a cloud architect to a solution provider to a developer, you can try your hands on anything! These days, all companies are migrating to cloud computing. Virtual companies are increasing in number. Under such circumstances, Azure can open doors of opportunities in front of you!

High security: When you are working on Azure, your application is fully safe. It comes with a Security Development Lifecycle or SDL. This means everything you are doing on the application is fully safe from anyone else. According to European data protection authorities, Azure is one of the most protected and trusted applications across the continent. As the application provides strict security to you, you can concentrate on developing your project. This is an amazing feature of this application.

Cuts down the IT budget: If you are a newbie in the industry, budget is always a big concern for you. For such circumstances, Azure is the best option. The bridging between cloud computing and data centers makes it easy for you to cut down the IT costs big time. If your company has an Azure certified professional, you can cut down a lot of budgets. The person will take care of software redesigning, power utilization, information security system maintenance, and whatnot! This one-man-army can help you a lot in lowering your budget.

Easy to learn: Who has time for lengthy courses these days? Your company will not give you spare time to learn new things. With work from home all around the world, it is almost impossible for employees to find out any me-time! If you take up lengthy courses, it will not be possible to finish on time. But Azure is an integrated course. If you are opting for this certification course, you can finish this pretty early. You can start working with Xcode, Hadoop, and Eclipse easily. Even if you are a beginner, once you are done with the course, you can start working soon. If you are preparing for the exam, you do not need to get trained from any institute. Lots of materials are available online. You can self prepare for the exam!

Professional commitment: If you are an employee, Microsoft Azure certification will show your dedication towards a good career. People spend years at a certain point and never bother to get trained properly for the post. If you have the certificate in your hand, it shows how important the change is for you. It shows you are a dedicated employee, and you can carry the legacy of your company well. Employers like such people who crave new technologies and people who want to toil more to proceed in their careers.

Strong career development: Almost six million companies across the world are using Microsoft Azure. More companies are signing up with each passing day. Azure certification gives you a strong and solid base in your career. It’s like a strong foundation on which you can build a multifaceted career. From private organizations to government organizations, Azure is a favorite one right now. If you want to switch your career and join government organizations, this certification course can help you. The course covers a lot of topics which will help you build a strong career.

Conclusion: Cloud computing is grabbing the market at a high pace. If you want to shape up your career and take a big leap, this is the chance for you. Take an Azure course, grab a certificate, and you can level up your career instantly. Companies will start showing interest in your resume. You will notice a sudden change in the job inflow. Go for the course and see the changes for yourself!

Originally published at http://blogplanet.website2.me.

