Concepts on Angular — softwarelabs

Gauurav Soam
4 min readAug 2, 2021

Single Page Web Applications

Before going to start a discussion about Angular, it is necessary to understand Single page Web Applications. Single Page Applications are Web applications running on the browser and don’t require to reload the pages throughout the applications lifespan. Here only data is transmitted back and forth.

Now, what is Angular?

Angular is an open source SPA (Single Page Application) framework for front end development that provides services for creating efficient yet sophisticated and complex single page applications. Angular V2+ was developed in 2012 by the Google developers so that it can lift the heavy weight of all the unnecessary code and as a result ensuring faster and lighter applications. It is based on different modules which will ultimately make a structure more maintainable and understandable for all. Angular also makes it easier for the workload to be divided across developers in the same team producing high productivity and collaboration between them to provide better code quality.

Angular is a structural framework based on MVC for any type of dynamic web applications. It supports client-side templating features.

What is Angular 8?

Angular 8 was officially announced in the year 2019 on 23rd of May. This is a new release version which contains so many new features and also up-gradation of the previous version. Angular 8 has a bunch of workflow and a new list of important and powerful features that Angular developers would appreciate as the core framework including the Angular Material Library and Command Line Interface. Google also enable Angular Console as one of the major launch partner for running Angular projects and integrating it with Firebase with the help of Angular or fire packages along with NativeScript support and StackBlitz integrated IDE support to build native mobile apps with Angular. Some important addition that is present in Angular 8 versions are:

· Ivy Renderer Engine Support

· TypeScript 3.4 or above Support

· Provide several options for performance optimization with differential loading

· Introduction of new build tool termed as Bazel like opt-in features

· Get the support for WebWorker

· Make changes in the dynamic module loading concept

· Also providing support for the SVG template

Want to clear your concepts read this: || Advantages of Angular: How Angular is powering the App Store ||

· Angular comes up with a great range of various helpful tools including its own CLI, Angular material, debug utilities, ng Bootstrap etc. In such tools, CLI saves an incredible amount of time for the developers by its capability to arrange a complicated Angular project which is also a very long is the process if it is done manually from the beginning as there are lots of things to do along with so many files, configurations and lots of libraries to install.

· It can also create directives, components, services, guards and so on as it adds all the boilerplate code coming with each other.

· It is supported by a great development community and Google.

· It is also supported by Visual Studio .NET IDEs and Intellij IDEA.

· On other hands, it also builds applications so that it could run it on the browser for deployment.

· Angular CLI is also being used for the testing of the application.

· Another plus point is that Angular applications use TypeScript that is much better than JavaScript. In fact, TypeScript code makes JavaScript easier to read and debug.

· TypeScript Code also provide higher security as it supports classes, types, interfaces and removes errors at the beginning stage while writing the code.

· TypeScript code can be directly debugged in the editor or the browser and ensures that it can provide completion and refactoring services.

· Getter and Setter functions are also not required while using Angular as they can provide functionalities of the JavaScript in which objects can be used by POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object) and Angular.

· Angular is a unit testing ready which is one of the great advantages.

· Another great feature of Angular is that it is a component-based architecture that brings code consistency, makes the simplification of unit testing as components are all independent units and emphasize the code-reusability. All components, directives, services, pipes etc, are creating by maintaining the same style.

· Angular modifies the page DOM directly without adding inner HTML code.

· Some more extended features like routing, animations, dependency injection, view encapsulation and more are available.

· Angular is a complete solution for fast front-end development solutions. It does not require any other frameworks or plugins.

So, what we can understand from the above advantages of Angular is that there is a high demand for Angular for which companies are speedily grabbing this technology and thus they are also looking for expert proficient candidates in Angular for their companies. So, the training program of the Angular course in various academics has turned in a new direction to make the candidate efficient enough and prepared them to crack the interview.

Originally published at on August 2, 2021.

